Saturday, October 25, 2008

Feeling lucky...

Taganga, Colombia.
Well, last night, something entirely terrible happened. A (bloody Austrian) friend of mine was holding my camera while we were out. It was a risky move on my part because this is a guy who I know is always losing things. But... I was pocketless and he´s attractive enough to be trusted. ;) After a night of dancing (mostly with a Colombian determined to show me salsa moves, which I failed at) I found my camera holding friend in order to take a picture. A few "Are you fucking with me?"´s later I came to believe he no longer had my camera. A small search of the bar ensued, but to no avail. I had lost my best friend. My one and only. Everyone who knows me, even remotely well, will tell you that I am never without my camera. I'm not a photography freak, but I must admit, it's the only way I'm going to remember my life a few years from now. I'm in Colombia! I need my camera!!
A long walk to the hostel and many hugs later, I went to bed feeling quite sad, but on the upside, I would only be losing a couple of days worth of photos and couldn't do much about it- so no point in being angry at any strapping young Austrians.
Today there were a few times I had to hold back a tear at the thought of not being able to take a picture and never sharing the great photos of a friend with an injured eyebrow, or a drunken German, or of the hot Colombian girls I danced my gringa ass off with. I even went back to the bar to have another search, but it was still closed. ;(
I returned to my hostel, put on my sad face, and decided to swing my troubles away in one of the hammocks. Just as I was getting in the groove, the door to my hostel room opened. Out came the Austrian with... my camera!! As an added bonus, he was only wearing a towel, haha! Apparently, he had returned to the hostel at some point last night, quite drunk, and had forgotten about it. As I was I was attempting to be a dancing queen, I hadn´t noticed that he had left, or returned for that matter.
Ahh, somewhere I gained some good karma. Phew.

The found my camera pic.


Unknown said...

Thank GOD! Melissa without camera? IN CON CEIVABLE!! I'm so glad you got it back, half way through the story I was determined to take up a collection. :)

Steph Fish said...


Steph Fish said...

why is my name poopydoopy??? did you do that??????!!!!

Wiggledemon said...

haha, I so did not make you poopydoopy, but it is hilarious!! I love you...

Unknown said...

That is magnificent!!

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